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Parameters can be freely set to fit specific analytical needs. Different sets of parameters should be saved to configuration files in YAML format. This ensures reproducible analysis of different samples over time.

A template of such a configuration file is stored in the repository under FooDME/config/config.yaml.

We include an optimized configuration file for use in 16S meat metabarcoding experiments with the Dobrovolny et al. (2019) method. The config folder will be populated with configuration sets for other matrices when possible. Feel free to submit yours!


Path to reference files are system dependent and will still need to be changed even for preset configurations.

How to use to configuration file

Modify the values of each parameters as you need (see table below). Then save your own configuration locally (for example under FooDme/config/). This configuration can be reused for successive analysis.

Sample sheet

The input files must be linked using a sample sheet. A template for such a file is available under FooDME/config/samples.tsv. and takes the following form:

sample fq1 fq2
nameA A_R1.fastq.gz A_R2.fastq.gz
nameB B_R1.fastq.gz B_R2.fastq.gz

Simply modify the template with your own files or use the provided script to automatically generate a sample sheet from FASTQ files in a folder:

bash ~/FooDMe/ressources/ --mode illumina --fastxDir ~/raw_data

This will create a file called samples.tsv in the raw_data folder.


The above command assumes that FASTQ files are named according to Illumina naming standards. Different naming standards are available. Use --help to see more options.


This tool was developed by the Federal institute of risk assessment (BfR) in Berlin. More information is available in their repository.

List of parameters

Parameter Expected values Description
workdir Path Path to the output directory, will be created if
it doesn´t exist
samples Path Path to the sample sheet
threads_sample Number Number of threads assigned to each job
threads Number Number of threads assigned to the workflow
primers_fasta Path Path to the fasta file containing primer sequences.
IUPAC ambiguous nuclotides are accepted.
blast_DB Path Path to the BLAST database in the form
taxdb Path Path to the folder containing the taxdbfiles
rankedlineage_dmp Path Path to the rankedlineage.dmp file from the
taxdump archive
nodes_dmp Path Path to the nodes.dmp file from
the taxdump archive
read_length_required Number Minimal length of the reads after primer trimming
qualifier-quality-phred Number Minimal quality value per nucleotide
qctrim_window-size Number Size of the sliding window for 3´ quality trimming
qctrim_mean_quality Number Minimal quality thresold for sliding average
trim_primers_3end True/False Should primers be trimmed on the 3´ end of
the reads? Only relevant if the sequencing length is
larger than the amplicon length
primer_error_rate Number [0, 1] Maximum error-rate allowed for primer matching
amplicon_min_length Number Minimal length of the merge reads or
ASV sequences
amplicon_max_length Number Maximal lenght of the merge reads or
ASV sequences
max_expected_errors Number Maximum number of expected errors allowed in
merged reads (OTUs) or trimmed reads (ASVs)
max_ns Number Maximal number of undetermined N nucleotide
per sequence. This will automatically be set
to 0 for ASVs
cluster_method otu or asv Clustering method
cluster_identity Number [0, 1] OTU identity threshold. Only for OTU
cluster_minsize Number Minimal size of clusters to keep
merging_max_mismatch Number Maximum number of mismatch allowed in the
overlap between reads. Only for ASV
remove_chimera True/False Should predicted chimeric sequences be removed?
min_consensus Number [0.51, 1] Minimal agreement for taxonomic consensus
determination. 0.51 is a majority vote and 1.0 is
a last common ancestor determination
taxid_filter Taxonomic identifier Node under which to perform the BLAST search.
Equivalent to pruning the taxonomy above
this node. Use the Root Node number to keep
the entire taxonomy
blocklist extinct or custom path Path to a list of taxonomic identifier to exclude
from the BLAST search
seq_blocklist None or custom path Path to a list of sequence accessions (e.g. NC_0016400)
to exclude from the results
blast_filter_low_complexity True/False Wether to mask low-complexity regions in the BLAST search. On by default, deactivate if you expect barcode sequences with low complexity.
blast_evalue Number (scientific) Minimal E-value threshold for the BLAST search
blast_identity Number [0, 100] Minimal identity (in percent) between the query and
hit sequence for the BLAST search
blast_qcov Number [0, 100] Percent of the query to be covered by the hit
sequence for the BLAST search
bit_score_diff Number Maximum bit-score difference between the best
and last hit to keep for each query after the
BLAST search
benchmark_reference Path Path to benchmarking reference table (see Benchmark mode).
benchmark_threshold Number [0, 100] Lower limit for benchmarking (see Benchmark mode).
benchmark_rank String Highest rank for benchmarking (see Benchmark mode).


Unless you are running foodme in benchmark mode, you do not need to modify the values of the benchmark_* arguments. See Benchmark mode for more details.