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TaxidTools - A Python Toolkit for Taxonomy

taxidTools is a Python library to handle Taxonomy definitions.


  • Load taxonomy defintions for the NCBI's taxdump files
  • Prune, filter, and normalize branches
  • Save as JSON for later use
  • Determine consensus, last common ancestor, or distances
  • Retrieve ancestries or list descendants
  • Export as Newick trees


With pip:

pip install taxidtools

With conda:

conda install -c conda-forge taxidtools

With docker:

docker pull gregdenay/taxidtools


With the NCBI's taxdump files installed locally:

>>> import taxidTools
>>> tax = taxidTools.read_taxdump('nodes.dmp', 'rankedlineage.dmp', 'merged.dmp')
>>> tax.getName('9606')
'Homo sapiens'
>>> lineage = tax.getAncestry('9606')
>>> lineage.filter()
>>> [ for node in lineage]
['Homo sapiens', 'Homo', 'Hominidae', 'Primates', 'Mammalia', 'Chordata', 'Metazoa']
>>> tax.lca(['9606', '10090']).name
>>> tax.distance('9606', '10090')

Cite us

If you use taxidTools for your reasearch, you can cite it using the DOI at the top of this page.