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Bases: UserList

Taxomic Lineage

Defines a linear and ordered succession of Nodes. A Lineage is created by providing a single Node that will be used as a base to retrieve higher Nodes. Ranks are ascending by default.


  • base_node (_BaseNode) –

    An instance of a taxidTools._BaseNodesubclass from which the ancestry should be retrieved

  • ascending (Optional[bool], default: True ) –

    Should the Lineage by sorted by ascending ranks?


A Lineage does not have to be continuous. Nodes can have parents that are not included in the Lineage, as long as Nodes in a Lineage form a linear path.

Lineage methods will never modify the Node objects it contains


>>> root = Node(1, "root", "root")
>>> child1 = Node(2, "child1", "child_rank", root)
>>> child2 = Node(3, "child2", "sub_child_rank", child1)
>>> Lineage(child2)
Lineage([Node(3), Node(2), Node(1)])

Lineage elements are the Node objects themselves

>>> Lineage(child2)[-1]
Node object:
        Taxid: 1
        Name: root
        Rank: root
        Parent: None

A Lineage can also be descending

>>> Lineage(child2, ascending = False)
Lineage([Node(1), Node(2), Node(3)])


Filter a Lineage to a set of specified ranks.

Modifies a Lineage in-place. Lineage order will not be conserved and dummy nodes will be added as placeholders for missing ranks.


  • ranks (Optional[list[str]], default: linne() ) –

    List of ranks to filter. It is assumed to be sorted in the same order as Lineage.


The Nodes are not modified by this method! That means that Node.parent will still point to the original parent Node, even if it was masked in the Lineage.


>>> root = Node(1, "root", "root")
>>> child1 = Node(2, "child1", "child_rank", root)
>>> child2 = Node(3, "child2", "sub_child_rank", child1)
>>> lin = Lineage(child2)
>>> lin.filter(["sub_child_rank", "norank", "child_rank"])
>>> lin
Lineage([Node(3), 'dummy', Node(2)])

Order is not conserved!

>>> lin = Lineage(child2)
>>> lin.filter(["root", "sub_child_rank"])
Lineage([Node(1), Node(3)])