The aim of this package is to provide tidy methods for the analysis of spectral dataset in order to improve accessibility and reproducibility of chemometric analysis.
This package is meant to fill the gap between data acquisition and preprocessing (phasing, baseline correction) and modelling with the tidymodels metapackage.
It provides a framework for processing and analysis of spectral data:
class storing spectra informations and providing methods for spectral region selection, normalization and bucketting.processing_template
class storing processing steps and allowing to repeat these steps on other collection
methods implementing some data preprocessing methods for modelling and/or multivariate data analysis, to use with the tidymodels recipe package.This package is not yet on CRAN, install from github:
#> Spectra collection containing 6 entries.
#> Number of bins: 2250
#> Limits: -2.123166e-05 8.999979
#> Labels: conventional organic
#> Processing:
processed <- fa_nmr %>%
# Trimming edges
extract(from = 0.5, to = 7.2) %>%
# Masking water peak
mask(from = 4.58, to = 4.68) %>%
# Masking MeOD peak
mask(from = 3.33, to = 3.38) %>%
# Bucketting with a bucket size of 0.04 ppm
bucket_uniform(width = 0.04) %>%
# Normalizing with the intensity of the methylen group of phospahtidylcholin
normalize_internalStandard(from = 3.58, to = 3.64)
#> Spectra collection containing 6 entries.
#> Number of bins: 166
#> Limits: 0.4999788 7.203979
#> Labels: conventional organic
#> Processing:
#> Step 1 / 5 : extract
#> Step 2 / 5 : mask
#> Step 3 / 5 : mask
#> Step 4 / 5 : uniform_binning
#> Step 5 / 5 : internalStandard_normalization
# Export processor
processor <- export_processor(processed)
# Apply processor on new data
new_data <- process(processor, fa_nmr)
#> Spectra collection containing 6 entries.
#> Number of bins: 166
#> Limits: 0.4999788 7.203979
#> Labels: conventional organic
#> Processing:
#> Step 1 / 5 : extract
#> Step 2 / 5 : mask
#> Step 3 / 5 : mask
#> Step 4 / 5 : cutsom_bucketting
#> Step 5 / 5 : factor_normalization
# Exporting processed spectra as a data matrix
df <- tidy(processed)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5
#> id label `0.51997876833874… `0.55997876833874… `0.59997876833874…
#> <chr> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 201981241… organic 0.676 0.658 4.63
#> 2 201981241… organic 0.722 0.711 5.20
#> 3 201981241… organic 0.588 0.544 3.90
#> 4 201993059… conventio… 0.631 0.657 4.74
#> 5 201993062… conventio… 0.565 0.540 4.11
#> 6 201995046… conventio… 0.689 0.671 5.31
# Pre-processing for data analysis using the `recipe` package
nmr_preprocessing <- recipe(df, label ~.) %>%
update_role(id, new_role = "ID") %>%
# Pareto-VAST scaling - Implemented in this package
step_vast(all_predictors(), scaling = 'pareto') %>%
# PCA transformation (from the recipes package)
step_pca(all_predictors(), num_comp = 5)
# Check the data
nmr_preprocessing %>% prep() %>% juice()
#> # A tibble: 6 x 7
#> id label PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5
#> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 20198124123 organic -0.234 8.81 10.4 -0.197 4.37
#> 2 20198124124 organic -39.6 9.30 -9.34 -2.50 0.787
#> 3 20198124125 organic 32.6 -1.86 0.172 -9.63 -2.44
#> 4 20199305928 conventional 5.01 6.60 2.28 6.68 -5.72
#> 5 20199306281 conventional 37.7 -5.63 -6.97 5.22 3.38
#> 6 20199504645 conventional -35.4 -17.2 3.43 0.440 -0.371