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Parameter space exploration

Parameter space exploration allows to easily try different sets of parameters, measure their impact on analysis performance and guide method optimization for new matrices, targets, or databases.

Provided a grid of parameter combination, foodme will be run several time with a different paramter set. Performance metrics will be extracted for each run using using a expected sample composition and the metrics for each run will be aggregated.

Importantly you will need to provide a Foodme configuration file (see configuration) containing default values and a parameter grid containing a set of parameters to update on each row.

Parameter grid

The parameter grid should be organized as a tab-delimited text file where the first row contains the name of the parameters to vary. Each row then contains a set of parameter that will be used to update the default configuration.

For example with the file below, three independent foodme runs will be triggered with ASV clustering, dereplication, and 97% identity clustering. The other parameters will be taken for the default configuration file.

cluster_method cluster_identity
asv 1
otu 1
otu 0.97


The parameter space exploration mode only requires a few argument, that you can either pass to snakemake as a YAML configuration file (see the template in config/ or directly through the command line with the --config argument.

Parameter Expected values Description
workdir Path Path to the output directory, will be created if
it doesn´t exist
foodme_config Path Path to the foodme configuration file.
paramspace Path Path to the parameter grid
force_rerun True/False Whether to force a recalculation of the foodme results
for all parameter combinations.
Equivalent to the --forceall directive.


As parameter space exploration only makes sense if you can compare the results to known sample compositions, it is required to provide values for the benchmark_* parameters. These values can be part of the parameter space exploration too!


In the parameter space mode, the foodme configuration file only supports absolute file paths. Relative paths will result in errors, you've been warned.

Running a parameter space analysis

The parameter space analysis is organized in a separate workflow from foodme, it is therefore nescessary to point snakemake to the correct workflow definition:

conda activate snakemake
snakemake -s ~/FooDMe/workflow/paramspace \
  --use-conda --conda-prefix ~/conda-envs --cores 1 \
  --configfile ~/FooDMe/config/myconfig.yaml


The command --forceall will not force a re-run of foodme. To trigger a rerun you will have to set the force_rerun parameter to Truein the configuration or manually delete the foodme_runs folder.


The parameter space exploration will produce an aggregate of foodme benchmark results: yields, metrics, PR-curves, and confusion matrices, all with indication of the specific parameter set that was used for each run.

Additonally the ressource usage (CPU, memory, I/O) will be measured for each foodme run and saved as a table. See also snakemake's documentation.

The output is organized as follows:

 |- aggregated/             \\ Perfomance indicators
 |- benchmark/              \\ Ressource usage benchmarking
 |- foodme_runs/            \\ Individual foodme runs results 
 |   |- param~value/... 
 |- logs/                   \\ Log files